Welcome to the Animation Community!

Connect with other Artists


Join the Patreon Crew

If you’re looking for a way to support my content and receive some awesome benefits in return, Patreon is by far the best way to get involved. Download the project files from my Twitch streams, vote on upcoming video series, and hang out with me in a monthly 2-hour group video chat session! If you enjoy what I’m creating, consider supporting!


Join the Discord Server

My Discord server is a place to share your work for constructive feedback and critiques, get support with technical issues in your creative software, and be part of a thriving community of artists who are all there to help each other learn and grow.


Animation Industry Interviews

If you’re looking for a way to give back to the animation community, or to share things you wish you’d known earlier in your career, click to learn more about the creative interview series!